Directly across King Street on York Street is the old red brick building with the construction date of 1899 on the wall facing King. Now it houses various shops and businesses but it used to be the John Clark & Son Carriage Company. The prominent Nova Scotian architect James Charles Philip Dumaresq (1844 to 1906) drew the original plans, but after construction delays, local architect William Minue altered Dumaresq’s plans and the construction was finished accordingly. You’ll hear more about Dumaresq’s work as we proceed. Note the window designs and brickwork patterns. In 1915, the Clarks brought the first Chevrolet automobile to Fredericton and established their dealership. Today it is on Prospect Street and is the oldest Chevrolet dealer in Canada.
Clark Carriage Company Building, 2012
Fredericton Heritage Trust
Head Office Building of J. Clark & Sons, 1899
Photo courtesy of the Provincial Archives of New Brunswick
Head Office Building of J. Clark & Sons, 1899
PANB Clark Collection: P164-4